Assembly Jesus Christ restores
We are the Assembly Jesus Christ restores, a biblical church founded on the truth of the Word of God.

Our confession of faith
We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God.
We believe that God is three persons in one. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. And that he
created man in his own image, three persons in on e: a physical body, a soul and a spirit.
We believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died for our sins and rose from the dead on the third
day to save us from the death of hell.
We believe in baptism by water, baptism by the Holy Spirit and baptism by fire.
We believe in praying in the name of Jesus Christ.
We believe in miracles and divine healings in the name of Jesus Christ.
Our vision
That all men may be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.
(1 Timothy 2, 3-4 ; John 17, 3, 17-19; John 8, 30-36; John 14, 6)
Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you and your family will be saved.
Our Courses
Deepen your know ledge of the Baptism of Water, Holy Spirit and Fire, which explores the biblical foundations of baptism. We also offerfree, in depth, biblical soul cleansing and deliverance prayer to those in need of healing, deliverance and restoration by the Lord Jesus Christ.
Water baptism
Our baptism course clears up misunder standings about water baptism and provides a solid biblical foundation. In four or five sessions, we cover the biblical meaning of baptism, the differences between immersion and sprinkling, and between infant baptism and baptism of faith in Jesus Christ. We explain: The importance of baptism in water, the Holy Spirit and Fire. And why we should be baptised in the Name of Jesus Christ, rather than in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Individual pastoral care with deliverance prayer
Spiritual healing is the honest confession of the sins that burden our lives. Through confession and deliverance from these sins, we can experience healing and salvation in Jesus Christ, as described in the Bible. Jesus calls us to repentance in order to be forgiven and saved.
Worship Services

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We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Book recommendations
Dr. Rebecca Brown
Rüste Dich zum Kampf
ISBN 3-9522446-5-1
Werde ein Gefäss zur Ehre
ISBN 3-9522446-4-3
Ungebrochene Flüche
ISBN 978-9522446-2-7
Mary K. Baxter
Eine göttliche Offenbarung der Hölle
ISBN 3-9522446-0-0
Eine göttliche Offenbarung des Himmels
ISBN 978-9522446-1-9
Haus der Bibel
Rebgasse 21
4058 Basel
Tel. 061 681 33 21